I submitted the following questions ahead of the company’s FY results presentation & Q&A next week in the hope of eliciting some much needed clarity for the wider market:
1. What is the commercialisation strategy for the pipeline of PreCISION drugs?
2. What happened to the redesign of the COVID LFT? Is the company now able to produce LFTs based only on Affimers?
3. What is the strategy for the diagnostics division? What is your pipeline of products?
4. Is the diagnostics division now profitable and able to fund the Therapeutics division to some extent?
5. Are you able to licence the PreCISION substrate itself, rather than your own pipeline of PreCISION drugs? Do you have any intention of licensing the current pipeline?
6. What is the funding strategy for the group beyond 2023?
7. Are you able, by extrapolation or examples of third party data, to provide guidance on your view of the chance of success for AVA6000 (and AVA3996) successfully completing their trials and gaining regulatory approval?
8. Can you provide a range of the total addressable market for AVA6000, AVA3996 and the PreCISION platform, both current and potentially extended given the greater tolerability allowing for more patients to be treated, assuming successful trials?